Microsoft Wiki

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Microsoft Wiki
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Author: Mr.Follow, Bureaucrat of Microsoft Wiki
Published: November 12, 2022
Last revised: September 3, 2023

The Microsoft Wiki server is a Discord server for all editors on Microsoft Wiki that was officially launched on November 12, 2022. It's a place to chat about various things, from discussing about the wiki to troubleshooting certain things that you may not know. You can also ask at the same time and help with technical problems with Microsoft software or etc, along with chatting to users in #general-chat, and you can even talk to Microsoft Wiki Staff if you have any concerns or questions.

How to join
1) Register and download the client
Register your account on Discord. It is recommended to download the Discord client for the device you are on. Please ensure that you read Discord's minimum requirements before downloading the client, and make necessary changes to the hardware if needed.

2) Join the discord server
Use the invite link, or click on the "GET THE INVITE" button below to join the discord server, and then follow the instructions given.

Discord icon

Join Our Discord Server
Get the Invite

The Microsoft Wiki server are governed by the rules of Microsoft Wiki as a wiki, and the consequences for actions on committed on Microsoft Wiki will also carry weight on the Discord server and vice versa as a result.

Be respectful.
Don't engage in heated arguments, call people names, or being intentionally mean spirited. Do not excessively ping other users, including staff. If you have problems with another community member, please talk to a moderator or staff member immediately so that it could be solved with a proper resolution.

Do not post any content exceeding the PG-13 Rating.
Please keep language within reasonable limits and do not share explicit or sexual images, it will be deleted as a result and you will be instantly banned. This server has users of all ages and backgrounds, and we'd like all members as much as possible to feel comfortable in the public chat channels. Please also keep political topics off the server, with the exception being that if it's tech related, then it is completely allowed.

Use the proper channel for discussions.
#general-chat are used for chatting both wiki-related/off-topic primarily in the English language, #foreign-chat are used for chatting both wiki-related/off-topic but for international languages other than English, #wiki-suggestions are for suggestions for the wiki itself, and #server-suggestions are for server-related suggestions.

Use common sense. Literally.
Not every situation however may be covered by these rules. If you're unsure if something is okay, please ask a moderator or a staff member.

Please keep your username recognizable.
We want people to understand who is speaking and transparent in our discussions. Use “change nickname” by right-clicking your username in the right sidebar if your global Discord name is not at all recognizable to folks when it comes time to identify your wiki identity, it's not required completely but please make sure it is somewhat recognizable. Inappropriate username changes are not tolerated and will be subjected to a direct ban.
